Platform Services
Event Platform Services
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Recycle Platform Services
The electric vehicle business is a collaborative project between B&B With Partners Co., Ltd. and AD Corp. Co., Ltd.
- An electric vehicle manufacturer founded in Irvine, California in 2020 by Edward Lee, a Korean-American with 18 years of experience in the automobile industry
- Winner of the Coupe Award at the LA Auto Show, the world's largest electric vehicle fair, in November 2021
- Developing the World's First Castopper Charger
- EVAR Charger Joint Business Agreement (22.10)
- Development of the world's first unmanned autonomous driving charging robot
Importing and selling Alpha Motor EVs as an official dealer in Asia/Korea for U.S. electric vehicle maker Alpha Motor
Importing and selling Alpha Motor EVs as an official dealer in Asia/Korea for U.S. electric vehicle maker Alpha Motor
Leading the smart mobility market by building an eco-friendly electric vehicle charger infrastructure and providing control solution services
Service details
Provide electric vehicle charger product sales and installation construction services to customers operating parking lots
Provides 24-hour monitoring and control services for chargers 365 days a year
Completed construction in February, 24
Provide charging management APP service to customers using electric vehicles
Development and provision of various affiliated services such as discount on charging fees
Consulting on the establishment of a charging system for customers operating a parking lot and carrying out an installation service project